Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 2: Impact: The WHY

Impact: The WHY

What is the impact your organization is seeking?

Vroom Content can help you advance your mission. It is important to think about your specific goals for adapting Vroom Content.

While the success of this work relies on your experience and existing community knowledge, we encourage Licensees to test assumptions when they decide it is necessary and are motivated to do so!

For example, you may want to test assumptions around why you want to adapt for:

  • Language
  • Culture
  • Format

We’ll talk more about this in Module 4, but you also have to think about whether your approach is working for parents and caregivers. We trust you to design and execute the testing activities that will meet your needs. Testing activities you may consider using at some point could include:

  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Rapid iteration/ prototyping
  • Field testing

In Your Context

What outcomes do you hope to support?

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Do you currently have systems in place for evaluating these impacts?

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