Training: Adapting Vroom Content

Module 1: About the Toolkit

About the Toolkit

This Toolkit will help you and your organization learn how Vroom Content adaptation works.

By the end, you will understand how to apply for an Adaptation, Localization and Translation (A.L.T.) Content License. If your application is approved, you’ll be prepared to begin adaptation.

A.L.T. Content License Preview

A sample version of the Adaptation, Localization and Translation (A.L.T.) Content License can be found here. You will not be granted an A.L.T. Content License until you have completed this Toolkit and applied for a license using the application form at the end of Module 4. We are sharing this sample document to allow you to get a feel for the terms of use for Vroom Content as assigned by the Bezos Family Foundation and Vroom. 

Download Here

This Toolkit has 4 Modules. They are:

  • Module 1: Building Blocks
  • Module 2: Vroom in Context: The WHO, WHAT, WHERE, and WHY
  • Module 3: Adapting Vroom Content: The HOW
  • Module 4: Building Your Adaptation Plan

You can go back and review or repeat sections as often as you want. Each Module has lots of questions for you to answer as you go along to be sure everything is making sense.

Here are some features of the Toolkit

  • The Navigation Bar

On the left, you will see a list of the 4 Modules. You will also see all the topics in the Module you are currently viewing.

  • The Big Idea

You’ll find each one marked with a dinosaur icon. These are key concepts at the heart of Vroom, so we highlight them to make sure you don’t miss them. Understanding these is a vital part of working with Vroom Content.

  • Keep in Mind

Look for the blue box with the moon icon that calls attention to ideas or processes to help in your application or adaptation process.

  • Don’t Forget

Much of the concepts and information in these modules builds off what you’ve already read in previous sections. These reminders in the red box with the airplane icon can help you connect and reflect what you’ve already learned.

Take time to review these helpful answers now, and refer back to them as you use the Toolkit.

Sometimes the first step is making sure we share some common language.

  • In Your Context

These prompts will ask you to think about how Vroom might fit into your context. Your community is unique, so we want to help you think through how Vroom might fit in. You do not need to provide answers to these questions here, but you will need to answer them in your Application for a License.

  • Quick Check

Once in a while, we will check in to be sure everything is making sense. You can always click the links to go back to anything you missed the first time.

Key Terms & FAQ

Now is a great time to read through our Key Terms and FAQs!